Do you live in a South Essex Homes property in the City of Southend-on-Sea?
Then you are a Member of STRF!

STRF is made up of South Essex Homes residents and leaseholders as well as any person with the right to reside within their property, allowing the entire family, including children, to get involved. These are the only restrictions on who may attend STRF meetings, to which everyone will receive a warm welcome. These meetings will be held on the last Tuesday of each month at 10.00am, in the Jubilee Room on the ground floor of the Civic Centre. Refreshments will be available during the meetings.

Everyone is entitled to attend STRF Meetings without invitation. Full details can be obtained by emailing

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The ‘Residents Section’ is for residents/tenants/leaseholders and leaseholders tenants to share any tips, recipes, household hacks, local events or news or in fact anything that you may feel could be of interest to your fellow residents. We need input from you the people we serve to regularly update this page so if you think you have an item that may be of interest then please email it to us at


South Essex Homes are pleased to announce that their new Repairs contract will commence on Monday 1st July 2024 and Axis Europe will provide the service that was previously provided by Morgan Sindall Property Services. As our service standard for routine repairs is 28 days, any routine repairs reported to us from 1st June 2024 onwards may be allocated appointments in July and therefore jobs will start to be allocated to Axis Europe.  You may therefore receive appointment confirmations from Axis. Similarly, as urgent repairs have a service standard of 5 working days, any urgent repairs reported to us from 24th June 2024 onwards may be given July appointments, in which case those jobs will be allocated to Axis Europe and you can expect to hear from them with regards to your appointment. Meanwhile, Morgan Sindall will continue to attend repair appointments up until the end of June when their contract expires, for issues reported up to and including 31st May. In some cases, you may need to wait slightly longer for an appointment than usual, but we aim to minimise any disruption during this transitional period and thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this time. Our contact numbers and ways to report a repair will remain the same, and you will not need to do anything different when reporting a repair to us.

FREE Cinema days at Focal Point Gallery.

FREE Cinema Days at Focal Point Gallery, The Forum, Elmer Square, SS1 1NB.

The link (Link) will take you to the Focal Point website to see all that they have to offer, including the totally FREE cinema days.

They start on the 3rd August 24 so be quick.

Our new repairs contractor is Axis. They started on the 1st July.

Why not come along to the following events and meet new        and old friends.


Next Meeting of the Disability & Carers Action Group

14th August at the Civic Centre room 5

There will be a presentation by a guest

Also, the final Terms of Reference and the Constitution have amendments to be agreed. A copy of both can be obtained by calling 01702 309064


   Do you care about your home, repairs, planned works or how your rent is used.

Then you need to come along to one or all of the three focus groups that meet to discuss these issues with our Residents, Officers and Contractors. They are: Repairs, Planned Works and Finance. You are not expected to know everything about the subjects, but having some knowledge of repairs, building or finance, will help you and us. So, come and help other residents to shape the services we have and need for the future. There are free refreshments at the Civic Centre for the Income Group that meets every quarter, the repairs meet monthly and planned works bi-monthly via video link (Teams). You are welcome to come to any of the meetings to see if it is for you, before committing yourself. We also have our Disability and Carers Group that meets on the second Wednesday of the month that is there to help our residents who are disabled or a carer. If you are interested and would like more information regarding all or just one of the group meetings, then please contact Sue Rickard on 01702 212650 (leave a message and Sue will get back to you) or email:

Scrutiny are Looking for Residents to join them

The Resident Scrutiny Forum are looking to recruit new members to join them. If you are a South Essex Homes resident or leaseholder and feel that you can work alongside others, who are like minded and dedicated and have some free time to spare, then please contact Chris McPhillips (RSF CHAIR) – Email:

Recent reports created by the Resident Scrutiny Forum can be found by clicking Here as well as more information around the Scrutiny Group.



To find your Tenancy Officer please click Here.


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